With most website their would be a social like a Instagram account or Facebook or a phone number.Some of these socials need frequent updates like on Instagram with your profile.If your a restaurant owner and have a Instagram account your going to want it to be good.This is because social media is being used by more than half of the world 24.7.Your going to want to update your post everyday or a couple times a week to know that your still in the game and is live.You can have links in your social media site to your website on your socials to.Your also going to want a photographer if your a restaurant owner to get great pictures with the food that you serve and encourage people into it.Then wants you get to 10000 follows they you can make stories on your Instagram that will have links that will give you the option to swipe up to o to either a you tube video, website etc. One of the most important reasons a restaurant should have social media accounts is communicating with customers. Social media allows you to keep in touch and build a personal connection with your customers. A website gives you control over the image of your restaurant. It gives a restaurant the platform to tell their own story, in their own words (unlike third party sites).