In 2019 trends to have a good networking website with people that come across your web is being either unique or having the website look clean and nice.With being clean and nice.In 2019 their was new things in the apple website like scrolling and the website having different reaction.Like scrolling and a picture is starting …
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Web animation
This relates to attracting visitors to your website.You want to attract someone by showing them animation maybe in the background or up close.No matter what people that visit your site are going to look at it.The animation could be clean and simple or could be crazy to immediately get someones attention.If its smooth and simple …
Ways to attract visitors to a site
Their are 3 ways to attract your visitors to a site.1, have bright but not to dramatic colors.This means if someone is scrolling trough social media and their is a very dark advertisement, likely it will not get someone to stop and look at your post.You have to have colors that are appealing to the …