By Johna Lesher ‘24
Leave the World Behind is an aspiring thriller that tackles many different topics that are relevant and important for our society today. The film introduces a family that is seeking a soothing vacation getaway, only to have their world turned upside down with unexpected visitors, claiming to be the homeowners, who arrive with alarming news. As the tensions rise and the world goes to war, the movie demonstrates a suspenseful portrayal, and the instincts that emerge when faced with a catastrophe.
The movie is based on the 2020 novel — Leave the World Behind by Rum Alam. Sam Esmail is the director and screenwriter. It was released on November 22nd, 2023. The movie stars some incredible actors including Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke, Mahershala Ali, and Myha’la. Barack and Michelle Obama are also significant individuals who are credited as executive producers of the film.
Amanda, played by Julia Roberts, lives in New York City with her husband, Clay, played by Ethan Hawke. They have two children together, Archie and Rose. As the movie begins, Amanda tells Clay that she rented an Airbnb in Long Island, for the weekend.
After a long drive, the family makes it to the beautiful, big house where they begin to wind down. However, strange instances start occurring after their arrival.
The family returns to the rented house from the beach when they realize that the Wi-fi is down and there is no service on their phones or computers.
Later that night, a man named George, played by Mahershala Ali, and his daughter Ruth, played by Myha’la, show up to the house and introduce themselves as the owners. George and Ruth want to spend the night at their house, but Amanda refuses. Then a national emergency is issued. George and Ruth stay at the house.
The next day, Amanda wakes up to a news alert about a cyberattack on the country. While all their devices are still not working, Clay decides to go buy a newspaper and find out what is happening.
Meanwhile, George decides to go over to his neighbors house where he tries to use their satellite phone, but it does not work. George returns home when she informs Amanda about what he has seen. Then, an unbearable ringing noise persists throughout the city.
Clay finally returns home. Amanda and Clay are too scared to stay so they decide to go to Amanda’s sister’s house. George believes this isn’t a good idea so he tries to stop them, but they don’t listen. However, the family is forced to return to the house.
The next day, Archie, who was bitten by an insect a day ago, becomes very sick. On top of that, Rose is missing.
George drives Clay and Archie to get medicine. Meanwhile, Amanda and Ruth go into the woods to look for Rose.
*Warning, major spoilers!*
At the end of the movie, Rose breaks into the house of Thorne’s family and is seen eating whatever she wants. She hears her mother calling out for her. As she is going to meet her she spots a light coming from the basement. Rose follows the light and comes across the emergency bunker, which is stocked with everything a person could ever need.
Also included in the bunker is an emergency alert system. The system tells people to search for shelter immediately, and that the White House and major U.S. cities are under attack.
Rose dismisses that warning and finds a shelf full of DVDs and she finally gets to watch the last episode of Friends, which she talked about throughout the movie, multiple times. While the world is going to shame, Rose is able to watch her favorite show.
The movie has a significant ending that not many understand. “To me, it represented pure escapism,” Director Esmail says. “In moments of crisis when we’ve lost sight of our common humanity, when we feel isolated, we do want to escape to comfort… It’s not necessarily a hopeful conclusion, but there are a few glimpses of light in the darkness.”
Leave the World Behind has an exceptional meaning behind the movie. The real meaning behind the tale explores the themes of class disparity, race, fragility of society, the risk of isolation, and dangers of technology.
The movie’s quiet yet powerful message steadily draws viewers into the movie despite its longing pace. Many viewers felt cheated by the ending, but I believe it was a perfect ending for such an impactful meaning. The camera movements are smooth and the costuming is exceptional. The cast also convincingly portrays their characters as their previously lavish lives are destroyed in a matter of days. Leave the World Behind is not everyone’s cup of tea but it is an impactful watch.