This story was originally published in the GenZeal feature of LNP on Sunday, January 19, 2025
By Nicolette Frey ’25
Multiple studies have found that the rate of child self-harm has increased significantly over the first quarter of the 21st century.
Many children and teenagers are starting to have more mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Often, these feelings are a result of feeling uncertain regarding what the future holds.
A primary reason for this issue is that many of these children are being forced to grow up faster and deal with adult problems at an early age. There is also a lot of outside pressure on kids to be the best or live up to their peers’ and parents’ expectations.
When dealing with such overwhelming feelings, some children may resort to self-harm. And some studies indicate that girls are more likely than boys to harm themselves when they are struggling with their mental health.
In a 2009 article published by The Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald, child psychiatrist Paul Denborough said, “If boys are distressed they are more likely to be aggressive or disruptive … whereas girls are more likely to internalize their problems.”
Many parents are worried for their children and want to do the right thing. Creating a safe place at home and an environment in which your child can talk to you without fearing judgment can help lift the weight of unknown emotions.
Providing access to books and journals can help children understand that what they are feeling is normal and explain how to cope with these emotions. A good place to start is the 2015 book “The Mindful Teen: Powerful Skills to Help You Handle Stress One Moment at a Time” by Dr. Dzung X. Vo, a Canadian pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine.
“There has definitely been a rise in interest in books that address mental health for children,” publisher Sam Hutchinson told The Telegraph for a 2019 article. “One book, ‘You Are Awesome’ by Matthew Syed, has been a particular success and appears to have helped create space for this subject in bookshops and online, instead of confining them to libraries and schools where they have traditionally been kept.”
There are also different apps and videos on the internet that guide meditation and breathing exercises, which can help to calm anxious thoughts and feelings.
In school, teachers and administrators can help decrease feelings of stress and anxiety by creating built-in time for students to meditate and breathe during school. By creating safe spaces or even calming areas, children and teens can learn to express themselves and reduce their anxiety or stress.
If taking time out of the school day isn’t an option, another way to get help should be provided. Many people who need help may get more anxious if they have to talk in front of, or to, people about the help they need or how they are feeling.
Even though children can feel overwhelmed and anxious about their futures, parents and trusted adults can help lighten the load and make life something to look forward to.
Mental Health is an Increasing Concern for Younger Generations
This story was originally published in the GenZeal feature of LNP on Sunday, January 19, 2025
By Nicolette Frey ’25
Multiple studies have found that the rate of child self-harm has increased significantly over the first quarter of the 21st century.
Many children and teenagers are starting to have more mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Often, these feelings are a result of feeling uncertain regarding what the future holds.
A primary reason for this issue is that many of these children are being forced to grow up faster and deal with adult problems at an early age. There is also a lot of outside pressure on kids to be the best or live up to their peers’ and parents’ expectations.
When dealing with such overwhelming feelings, some children may resort to self-harm. And some studies indicate that girls are more likely than boys to harm themselves when they are struggling with their mental health.
In a 2009 article published by The Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald, child psychiatrist Paul Denborough said, “If boys are distressed they are more likely to be aggressive or disruptive … whereas girls are more likely to internalize their problems.”
Many parents are worried for their children and want to do the right thing. Creating a safe place at home and an environment in which your child can talk to you without fearing judgment can help lift the weight of unknown emotions.
Providing access to books and journals can help children understand that what they are feeling is normal and explain how to cope with these emotions. A good place to start is the 2015 book “The Mindful Teen: Powerful Skills to Help You Handle Stress One Moment at a Time” by Dr. Dzung X. Vo, a Canadian pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine.
“There has definitely been a rise in interest in books that address mental health for children,” publisher Sam Hutchinson told The Telegraph for a 2019 article. “One book, ‘You Are Awesome’ by Matthew Syed, has been a particular success and appears to have helped create space for this subject in bookshops and online, instead of confining them to libraries and schools where they have traditionally been kept.”
There are also different apps and videos on the internet that guide meditation and breathing exercises, which can help to calm anxious thoughts and feelings.
In school, teachers and administrators can help decrease feelings of stress and anxiety by creating built-in time for students to meditate and breathe during school. By creating safe spaces or even calming areas, children and teens can learn to express themselves and reduce their anxiety or stress.
If taking time out of the school day isn’t an option, another way to get help should be provided. Many people who need help may get more anxious if they have to talk in front of, or to, people about the help they need or how they are feeling.
Even though children can feel overwhelmed and anxious about their futures, parents and trusted adults can help lighten the load and make life something to look forward to.