By Evanna Stauffer ‘26
While Breath of the Wild came out March 3rd, 2017 I wasn’t able to play it till 2019. After finally being able to get my hands on it, I was so thrilled to play it, and my dad was even more thrilled. We bought the game and a brand new TV so we can have a perfect first experience. I started playing first and I quickly realized that I had just found my new favorite game.
I ended up playing for 10 hours straight. When my dad asked for a turn to play, I promptly responded, “No.” It was one of the best 10 hours of my life. When I first started, I was very excited but confused since it is a new game with new terrain to wander and I know the plot: save Princess Zelda. But how I’m going to save her and what I was about to experience I wasn’t ready for.
First, the reason I have to save Zelda is because Ganon (The Demon King) separated Zelda’s spirit from her body and left her with no memory and had her body for Malladus so he can use it for his revival. Link was in a 100 year slumber but woken up by the goddess Hylia and chose to explore all the land and regain his memories. So in the end, he can fight Ganon with the help of Zelda’s powers and get her body back to her and save Hyrule.
The music in the game is incredibly soothing and does a very good job at capturing the moment and matching the scenes. For example, if you’re fighting a Guardian the music sounds futuristic, with a high pitched piano to match the futuristic look of the Guardians, as well as a sped up beat and more piano to match the intensity of the battle. But let’s say you’re looking around Kakariko Village. You’ll hear the many high pitched yet calming flute-like sounds and some percussion instruments. It gives you a sense of wonder and calmness.
For comparison, this game is like Super Mario Odyssey with the plot —to travel the land and save the princess. With the same concept of fighting battles, just Links are a little more difficult.
One of the many good things about BOTW is the choices you have while playing. You have side quests, main quests, shrine quests, finding korok seeds, and champions ballad. As well as different modes you can play the game in like the classic or master mode and challenge mode.
Some weak points in the game are with the weapons. They do break fairly quickly so you have to make sure you always have weapons in your inventory. You do get a warning when they are soon to break. Your weapon flashes red to let you know you only have a few more hits in. It’s just annoying when you’re in battle and more focused on getting hits than the life your sword has left. But it’s a simple fix to switch and get a new sword.
Experiencing BOTW for the first time will always be a memory I hold close while I still play and do shrine quests and play the new game in the series The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This game is one of the best in the series and in general a very good game. Play it and see for yourself. Maybe you’ll play more than 10 hours your first time.