People Welcoming and Empowering Race Supports Diversity at CV

PoWER club’s symbol/logo that can be found on their social media page.  Photo credit: PoWER Club CV

By Giannie Agrispin ‘26

PoWER club at Cestoga Valley High School embraces differences and diversity. Everyone is encouraged to join no matter your cultural background. Joining this club can lead to new friendships and connections with the people involved. PoWER strives to be inclusive and open to anyone that wants to join.

Meetings usually take place after school hours, but not on a set day in the week. PoWER takes part in helping with some of CV’s school events like: Drink of the season, Senior Sunrise, and sometimes movie nights.

Shainna Le (11), PoWER’s social media officer said, “PoWER has affected me because it helps me understand other cultures and ethnicities better.” She stated that she believes PoWER influences other students by “giving them a space to share their identity with others.” She commented that her role of being a social media officer has important responsibilities that require her to attend officer meetings and planning club activities.

Senior Lexi Torres stated, “PoWER has impacted me in a way that has made me a more social person and has brought me to make new friends.” She said that she joined because the message PoWer spreads is something everyone should care to learn about. She believes that power can influence other students to treat others better, be more caring towards others and be a better person overall. 

Mrs. Casey Banh, one of PoWER’s club advisors said, “Being in PoWER helps me be more involved in the school.” She is happy to be an advisor of this club and be a part of it. Mrs. Banh commented that PoWER is the first club she has advised, so she’s happy to be more involved at school.

PoWER  was created in 2021 by students who requested it. Students askes Mrs. Gonzalez-Wilson if she could advise their club. The club quickly became popular, gaining many members. PoWER club’s popularity isn’t declining at any rate, and is a growing club that plans to remain open to everyone.

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