Who is Mr. Dembrosky?
By Jeancelyn Almonte ‘24 For the 2023-24 school year, CVHS has gained a lot of new…
A Day in the Life of Mr. Dembrosky
By Isabella Rodriguez ‘24 There have been 3 new high school administrators at Conestoga Valley High…
Clothing brand at CVHS Gains Popularity
By Jose Torres ‘25 A clothing brand known as “Lost Heart Apparel” is slowly gaining popularity…
Rejoining the Community: Principal Matthew Fox Gives Back
By Jeremy Makale ‘24 and Jahson Torres ‘24 Out of many of the major changes that…
Link Crew Hosts Freshmen Tailgate
By Bryanna Epstein ’25 On Friday, September 15, 2023, Link Crew held their annual freshmen tailgate.…
CV Student Viewpoints on New Cell Phone Policy
By Maddy Nieves ‘24 The 2023-2024 school year at Conestoga Valley High School has introduced a…
DIY Dentistry: Does it Deserve the Hype?
By Yobel Petros ‘24 As social media continues to advance, individuals are able to amplify their…
FLEX’S Impact on the CV Community
By Natalie Herr ‘25 Prior to the 2023-2024 school year, Conestoga Valley High School (CVHS) had…
New E-Hallpass Policy Sets Limits on Daily Passes
By Andrew McCune ‘24 Since the start of the school year, many new policies have been…
Women Deserve Better Information on Abortion
By Olivia Hernandez ’26 “When a man steals to satisfy hunger, we may safely conclude that…