By Lexie Kauffman ’22
On February 25, 2021, Hasbro announced via Twitter that Mr. Potato Head will be losing his title of “Mister.” The company’s announcement was vague and caused confusion, but Hasbro soon clarified. The potato brand itself is changing, not the iconic characters.
Mr. Potato Head and Mrs. Potato Head will still be available for children and will still exist in the Toy Story universe.
“While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.’ I am proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD,” the company tweeted.
Robert Passikoff, founder of Brand Keys, a marketing consultancy, explained Hasbro’s intent.
“They are looking to broaden the franchise. You take the focus of what is essentially one character and now allow it to be a platform for many characters.”
Senior vice president at Hasbro, Kimberly Boyd said that the intention of the rebranding is to allow more inclusivity in the Potato Head universe.
LGBTQ advocacy group, GLADD, expressed their excitement at the change.
“Hasbro is helping kids to simply see toys as toys, which encourages them to be their authentic selves outside of the pressures of traditional gender norms,” said Rich Ferraro, GLAAD’s chief communications officer, in a statement.
Hasbro is among many other toy brands that are updating their traditional brands to reflect today’s society and families. The new Potato Head set will be available in the fall. The set includes two customizable adults as well as one baby.
I’m always ecstatic to popular brands and companies be more inclusive with their products. Especially brands like Potato Head because their toys are so well-known and popular. Their inclusivity can give young people an early start at breaking down gender barriers and realized that gender stereotypes and norms are not the truth.
I’m glad to see that Hasbro is becoming more inclusive in its branding. I think it makes more sense not to assign a Potato Head a gender because so many of the attachments are interchangeable. Plus, it shows children that clothes or the appearance of features don’t necessarily decide a gender.