Poetry Belongs in Our Lives

Ediya Karayeva ‘26

Poetry. A writing form used for hundreds of thousands of years. Poetry became very popular during the Renaissance and continues to be very popular today. But why?

Many teens love poetry because it is simpler to write compared to an essay, but that’s not all. Poetryis a way to express their true emotions and run away from reality. Many students love to write poetry, but many don’t know how to share their work. One way of sharing can be performing to your family and friends, but sometimes, you want a little more. 

A perfect way to do this is to join a poetry slam. A poetry slam is a type of competition where competitors perform their poetry in front of a panel of judges. More often than not, poetry slams are filled with life and noise. At a poetry slam, no one will judge you about what you write about (except for the judges of course!), and you can express your emotions freely withoutjudgment. You can tell stories that have never been said, emotions no one knew you felt. And the best part, you feel so much better after letting it all out. You can write about anythingfrom why you hate Arby’s to how you used to hurt yourself. You can write about how chickens are the real queens of the animal kingdom. Literally anything.

As a person who loves poetry, I think we should start a slam poetry team here at CV. We can write and practice and maybe even go to an actual poetry slam. 

Poetry is a very important part of many peoples lives, so why not make it a part of yours. Students, unite! And make a poetry team.

Anyone interested in creating a poetry team can email me at ediya_karayeva@conestogavalley.com


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