Political Polarization is Destroying our Country

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By Madison Smith ’24

The first President of the United States, George Washington, stated in his farewell “I have already intimated to you the danger of the parties in the state.” His warning still holds true today as the political polarization is dividing the government and dividing the people.

Since the 2020 election, political division has been at its peak, destroying the country. The New York Times wrote an article about this issue. They interviewed Emory Liggett, who lost two friends, one politically liberal and one conservative. Emory was shocked when his one friend didn’t want to associate with him because he didn’t believe in the Republican ‘MAGA’. 

According to the PEW research organization, “77% only have few or no (41%) friends from the other side.” I have personally experienced losing friends because of political polarization and I have seen it happen to almost everyone I know. My family will be torn apart over different views, and some might even be accused of being racist or socialist. 

Many will argue that this issue has been around a long time. Daily Trojan quotes, “This division isn’t new. The bipartisan [system] is, by its nature, a competition.” It’s true that there will always be these issues; however, the division is worsening over time. There were times in history where division was so tremendous that it caused the United States to have a Civil War. During the Vietnam War, Democrats and Republicans were continually against each other. However, since the 70’s, divisions have grown again. In 2023 Reuters “identified 213 cases of political violence. Two thirds of those cases were physical assault and confrontations. The other third mainly involved property damage.” 

Political polarization has also been affecting our government offices. It has gone so far as unfairly accusing other sides. PRRI.org found that “80% of Democrats think Republicans are racist.” While in turn, “82% of Republicans think Democrats are socialist.” This stereotyping causes each side to act aggressively towards one another.

George Washington stated, “It [polarization] agitates the community with ill founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riots and insurrection.” This means that all of the hatred in the government is bleeding onto the people, causing riots, violence, and hatred towards one another.

Political polarization is destroying our country. The evidence is loud and clear and many Americans are tired of the widespread division that is happening in our country. The problem lies with the government and not the people. The more divided our government is, so are the people. 




https://www.listenfirstproject.org/toxic-polarization-data https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-politics-violence/

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