Principal Thornton’s Thank You to CVHS

By Lexie Kauffman ‘22 

After twelve and a half years of dedicated service to Conestoga Valley High School, Principal Mike Thornton has much he would like to say to CV. 

“Thank you. I first thank you for my own children’s education and for being so dedicated. Every employee group here is dedicated, our office staff is second to none. They have been great friends and just caring people and they extend that care to everyone,” Thornton shared. 

He then thanked those that work behind the scenes.

“And certainly we have to our custodians, our cafeteria workers, our maintenance workers. They’re people that are kinda working behind the scenes a lot, but they deserve recognition too with all that they contribute to the overall programs and environments.” 

Thornton recognized those that have supported him for over a decade.

“And the staff has been very supportive of me,” Thornton continued. “Our administrative staff, our supervisors, and the assistant principals have just been excellent as well as Dr. Mann, the Director of Secondary Education and my immediate supervisor, the people that work in the district office, and our superintendent.”

Thornton then mentioned his colleague that retired back in 2017. 

“I have to give a big shout out to Dr. Huesken; he was a big part of my life here and we interacted quite a bit, but Dr. Z has also been very supportive.”

Thornton also expressed his hopes for the new incoming principal, Dr. Smith and the CVHS community.

“Please give Dr. Smith the same type of support and patience that you have given me,” he asked. “I think he’s going to do a fine job. He’s got the staff that’s going to make the transition much easier.”

Over a decade of service, thousands of students, and many lives touched, Thornton summarized his emotions for CVHS in two words: “Gratitude and appreciation.”

One thought on “Principal Thornton’s Thank You to CVHS

  1. Mr. Thornton’s sentiments of “gratitude and appreciation” are certainly shared among the CV community as well, in regards to his own years of service!

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