By Leah R. Figueroa ‘23
Welcome to Harry’s House, a new album where the songs are just as welcoming as the title. Harry Styles’s third album, Harry’s House made its debut on May 20th, 2022. Fans not only heard it for the first time since the album dropped but Styles performed his new songs the same day. Styles took the stage with his fans during an event called One Night Only, located in New York’s UBS arena. Fans were given the names of the songs ahead of time, and in perfect manner Styles’s performance was the same order as his songs.
Styles took the stage with “Music for a Sushi Restaurant” which the name itself sent fans into a frenzy of excitement because it was so odd yet so him. The tone and melody were much different than his past preferences because of how much more he vocalized with himself than in his two previous albums. The song is perfect for opening an album that is meant to go in a transforming direction, hence why it is followed by “Late Night Talking,” which seems to have the same vibes.
The high-beat songs shake up the album, but so do the low ones. “Grapejuice” surprises listeners with whispers in the background of counting. Though the beat is slower, creating a contrast the song lryics seems to make it happy and cute, like a walk through a garden. “As It Was” was already streaming on the radio before the album had been given a date to come out. The single gives a feel of the album beforehand.
Styles takes his fans on a rollercoaster of emotion with “Daylight” being the perfect in-between of soft rock before a shift when listening to “Little Freak,” which seems to be a crowd favorite to sing aloud to. “Matilda”, is the all-time low and most emotional song of the album. The heartbreaking song brings in a community of fans who can relate to, sympathize with, and love each other.
At the top of the roller coaster, Styles hits back with “Cinema”, a song that will have you feeling whiplash from the previous one. Its danceable beat and sexy lyrics seem to be enjoyable but definitely not for a family show. A much more family friendly song would be “Daydreaming,” whose chorus is sampled from “Ain’t We Funkin’ Now” by The Brothers Johnson. “Keep Driving” is a crowd favorite only because of the bridge and how fans make it their life mission to get it right while Styles sings with them.
Along with the unique titles comes “Satellite.” A personal favorite of mine, the eleventh song takes number one place in most fans’ hearts. The theme of having a slow rhythm is still practiced but Styles’ tasteful side comes out and takes a play with the song. A shift is felt when “Boyfriends” is played. The singer gave a one-time peek at the song before the album came out while headlining Coachella in April 2022. Finally, Styles ends the album with a beautiful title to the last song, “Love Of My Life” just like the title, the song plays through events and wants between had or having the love of your life.
Harry’s House is the perfect combination of funk, love, and soul. A different and beautiful side is seen within the singer’s writing skills. After his third album and completing a world tour, the rockstar isn’t settling down anytime soon. Though Styles is on a break for the holiday, he will soon make appearances to continue his touring. With all the teasing Styles has been doing, something might be heading his fans’ way soon but whatever it is might take a while. In the meantime, Harry’s House is always open for visitors, so stop by soon.