A Day in the Life of Mr. Dembrosky

Mr. Dembrosky poses with CVHS students at Penn Manor High School for a football game. Photo Credit: Barstool CV

By Isabella Rodriguez ‘24

There have been 3 new high school administrators at Conestoga Valley High School this school year: Dr. Matthew Fox, Ashley Johnston, and Charles Dembrosky. One staff member who stands out is Mr. Dembrosky because of his involvement with the students and staff. 

Mr. Dembrosky, known as “Mr. D,” has become an interest to the students at CVHS.  Mr. D is often out of his office, interacting one-on-one with students and making sure students are on their best behavior. 

I asked Assistant Principal Charles Dembrosky what a day at work looks like for him. According to him, “I get here at like 6:30, so from 6:30 to 7 it’s usually clerical stuff online with discipline, emailing teachers, catching up on emails. I get probably about 50-60 emails a day. So it’s catching up on that, then 7-2:36 is just student stuff. It’s usually discipline, attendance, having meetings, observations, answering emails, figuring out where kids are because we keep track of where our students are, so if they don’t report to class we have to find them.”

He continued,”That’s how a typical day works. And then I’m here until 2:36 till 4ish-4:30 doing similar stuff like answering emails or calling parents of disciplined students. If I have to suspend a kid or I have to give them detention I have to call the parent to let them know.”

Mr. Dembrosky also goes on to say,“A lot of times it’s reviewing camera footage because if we have a student suspected of vaping then we have to go through the camera footage to find out who they are so we pull from the next day. We also meet together as an admin team to kinda debrief on the day and then usually I can get out of here by 4-4:30. If there is a sporting event then I’m back here by 7.” 

Mr. D has made a big impact on the CVHS community. Senior Roxy Glimer said, “I like that he interacts with the students a lot.” Students are getting along with him well, and he has made a big impact on the students.

Since he is new to the school, it is shocking how fast the students have adapted to the changed environment. “Anelis Torres-Alfinez (12) agreed,” saying, “I feel he has made a positive impact on the school. A lot of students already know him and like him as an assistant principal. He’s also very cool and laid back.”

Mr. Dembrosky is very involved with the school. When he’s not working he is still here supporting the Bucks. Staying after school to help with what he can, going to football games or even helping out with clubs. The students love to see Conestoga Valley changing for the better. 

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