Who is Mr. Dembrosky?

Mr. Charles Dembrosky poses for his official staff photo. Photo Credit: CVSD Website

By Jeancelyn Almonte ‘24

For the 2023-24 school year, CVHS has gained a lot of new staff members, from teachers to admin and custodial figures. One of the new staff members is Assistant Principal Mr. Charles Dembrosky. 

When you think of what you want to do as your career in life, assistant principal isn’t most people’s top choice. It was not Dembrosky’s either, he wanted to work with animals, but it would’ve been too much with sports. When asked why he chose to do this he explained, “I relied on teachers growing up, so I know the power that teachers and people in the school have on students, so if I can give back and be that person somebody like me needed, it’s worth a shot.” 

His goals at CVHS are clear. He wants the school to be a safe place students won’t dread going to, while he also wants to reinforce the order that was once lacking.

Teachers seem to appreciate the approach. “He doesn’t take excuses, and he actually holds students accountable,” said Social Studies teacher Mrs. Liza Kuhn.

Holding students accountable is obviously a significant part of his job. While holding students accountable, he makes sure he does it respectfully.. “You treat us like teenagers, like you take stuff away, but you give us respect,” stated co-interviewer Isabella Rodriguez (12).

It is no surprise that many believe Dembrosky to be a good role model for students at the school. Mrs. Kuhn even stated “He was a good choice for his varied life experiences.” 

In addition to that, he is a big supporter of women’s rights due to those same life experiences, and even has a tattoo of a woman as a symbol for his support of the feminist cause.

Dembrosky believes that everyone deserves a second chance. “There is always going to be a point in your life where you just make mistakes,” he said. “Like if you think you’re going to live your life committing no mistakes then it’s just not going to be ok for you. But I think understanding the people in your corner and who support you and push you to the right path is essential,” 

As much as Dembrosky enjoys being assistant principal, he has dreams of one day becoming secretary of education for the country. For now, he is quite content with his position and grateful for the opportunity he currently has.

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